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Practice makes Perfect for IHDI Clients and Hearing Service Dogs.

Ruth Grayson and Jack

Practice makes perfect… so it is critical that clients regularly train with their Service Dogs to keep their skills fresh and make sure the dog is ready to assist them at any moment. In order to ensure our Hearing Dog Teams remain strong and effective, Hearing Dog is committed to providing support and training to our teams for the life of the match!

Each IHDI Active Team has periodic check-ins with IHDI to assess the team and ensure they continue to successfully do the tasks the dog was trained to do, as well as teach new skills to meet the client's needs. IHDI also provides re-certification testing annually to ensure the teams continue to be at the top of their game in their homes and in public.

In the month of September, IHDI's trainers provided 61 hours of support to Hearing Dog teams through recertification, in-person training, virtual touch bases, client calls & much more!

Pictured: Ruth, Hearing Dog Grayson & IHDI Service Dog Trainer, Jack 
